Born in Tokyo, 1991. After graduating from Department of Architecture, Waseda University in 2015, and completing a master degree at Waseda University in 2018, joined SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE in 2018.
The elements that surround the architecture, such as people who use it, people who make it, materials, the weather, the surrounding environment, and the times, vary widely.
I want to search for the goodness that is created from the place, the people, and the situation by connecting the points and points that connect them one by one while repeating the dialogue with people and places carefully.
next people
Kakeru Ohki
Architectural staff
I am thinking about creating a new design from what is actually made and used in the field.
Haruka Kanai
Architectural staff
I believe that space is always around people and deeply influences their lives.
Tomoaki Sakaguchi
Architectural staff
I would like to create impressive places that will be memorable to the people who experience them.