SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE -Building in a Social Context-

  • 2019.04
  • Frame Publishers
  • 296P
  • 302 x 239 mm

This is the first photobook of Suppose Design Office projects. It features 30 handpicked projects from over 300 that the company has worked on, each of which is accompanied by a description of how it embodies the company’s approach to design. One section introduces readers to some of the company’s new undertakings, such as Shashokudo (a company cafeteria that is open to the public) and Vantage Point Properties.

Dandan Mousou

  • 2013.09
  • Hearst Fujingaho
  • 226P
  • 190 x 132 mm

This is the first volume of a series of books compiling “Makoto Tanijiri’s Architecture Fantasies,” a series of interviews between Tanijiri and various guests published from April 2009 to July 2018 in architecture and interior magazine Modern Living. With guests ranging from artists and book curators, to tea ceremony masters and basketball players, the interviews all revolve around the interviewee’s opinions on space and architecture, as well as their notions of the ideal house.

1000% no Kenchiku: Boku wa Kanchigai Shinagara Ikitekita (1000% architecture: I have lived a life of misunderstandings)

  • 2012.03
  • X-knowledge
  • 128P
  • 204 x 182 mm

In his first book, Tanijiri uses entertaining illustrations and a friendly tone to offer tips on how to think about architecture and how to make architecture fun. He encourages the reader to try looking at the things around them in a different light—in a way, to “misunderstand” the object—and to pick up new ideas from their “misunderstandings” that they can use to expand the potential of architecture. It is a book designed to inject life with a little more joy and laughter.